How to use the Russel Metals Secure Site

Please Print a Copy of this Document for Reference

1.    Type your company name into the box like the one shown in the example and then click on the submit button


Please type your company name:

2.    You will now be prompted with a box like the one in the example below. This is where you should type the user name and password Russel Metals assigned.


2.    You should now see a screen that looks similar to the example below, which shows all the current sludge files available for your company.


List of All Current VMI Files for Company



NOTE:  Files are listed by date (yymmdd)

5.    These files can be opened by clicking on the file

6.    To save a file, click on the file menu on your toolbar and then click the save as option.  Now you will need to select one of your local directories to save the file in and name it with the extension txt.  For example:  vmifile01.txt

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